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Further Reading

Ang Choulean, Les etres surnaturels dans la religion populaire khmere, Paris, 1986.

Banjerjee P., Rama in Indian literature, Art & Thought, Sundeep Prakashan, Delhi, 1986.

Boisselier J., Le Cambodge, Picard & C., Paris 1966.

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Briggs, L. P., The Ancient Khmer Empire, Philadeplphia 1951.

Blurton T. R., Hindu Art, B.M. Press, London, 1992.

Chou Ta-Kuan, The Customs of Cambodia, The Siam Society, Bangkok, 1992.

Chandler D. P., A History of Cambodia, Westview Press, Boulder 1992.

Chandler D. P. & Mabbet I., The Khmers, Blackwell, Oxford, 1995.

Coomaraswamy A. IC, History of Indian and Indonesian art, Dover, N. Y, 1927.

Eliade M., The Sacred & the Profane, Harvest Book, San Diego, 1987.

Giteau M., Khmer sculpture and the Angkorean Civilisation, London, 1965.

Giteau M. & Gueret M., LArt khmer, Asa edit., Paris, 1997.

Groslier B. Ph., & Arthaud J., Angkor, Hommes et Pierre, Paris, 1956.

Groslier B. Ph., Indochina, Methuen, London, 1960.

Groslier B. Ph., La cite hydraulique angkorienne, BEFEO, LXVI, 1979: 161-202.

Huntington S. L., The art of ancient India, Weathcrhill, N. Y., 1985.

Jessup H., & Zephir T., Angkor et dix siecles d’art khmer, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Paris, 1997

Joung C. G., Man and his symbols, Aldus Books, London, 1972.

Leclere A., Cambodge: fetes civiles et religieuses, Paris, 1917.

Mabbett I., Varnas in Angkor and the Indian caste system, Journ. Asian Studies, 36/3, 1977.

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Macdonald M., Angkor and the Khmers, Praeger, N. Y., 1959.

Mazzeo D., & Antonini C. S., Ancient Cambodia, Grosset & Dunlap, London, 1978.

Mouhot H., Travels in the Central Parts of Indochina, London, 1986.

Pelton R. D., The trickster in West Africa, Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, 1980.

Pou S., Ramakerti, PEFEO, CXXXII, 1988.

Quartrich-Wales H. G., The Making of Greater India, Q-W. edit., London, 1951. Rawson P., The art of Southeast Asia, Thames & Hudson, 1967.

Ribaud M., Angkor, the serenity of Buddhism, Thames & Hudson, 1993.

Rooney, D., Angkor, an introduction to the Temples, Odyssey, Hong Kong, 1994.

Tailing N., The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, 1, Cambridge, 1992.

Thierry S., Les Khmers, Kailash, Paris, 1996.

Vickery G. B., C 'ambodia after Angkor, Michigan, 1977.

Walker G. B., Angkor Empire, Calcutta, 1955.

Wheatley P, Nagara and Commandery, Chicago, 1983.

Zimmer H., Myths and symbols in Indian Art and Civilization, Princeton Univ. Press, 1972.


Visual Narrative

Brilliant R., Visual narrative, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1986.

Bryson N., Holly M. A., Moxey K., Visual theory, Polity Press, 1996.

Dehejia V., On modes of visual narration in early Buddhist art, The Art Bulletin, LXXII/3, 1990.

Dehejia V., India’s visual; narrative: the dominance of space over time, in Paradigms of Indian architecture, edit. G. H. R. Tillotson, Curzon, 1998: 80-106.

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Evans, K., Epic narratives in the Hoysala temples, Brill, Leiden, New York, Koeln, 1997.

Gandelman C., Reading Pictures, Viewing Eexts, Indiana University Press, 1991.

Klokke M. J., Tantri reliefs on Javanese candi, KITLV Press, Leiden, 1993.

Lewis S., Reading Images, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Marin L., Towards a theory of reading in the Visual Arts, in N.Bryson Calligram, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988: 63-90.

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Stansbury-O’Donnell M. D., Pictorial narrative in ancient Greek Art, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

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